You may need to reboot the Mac after you have downloaded the new (and valid certificate) installer application, particularly if you had already launched a version that showed the application damaged error message. Find macOS Sierra from Apple here – ( direct download link).Find macOS High Sierra from Apple here – ( App Store link).
Find macOS Mojave from Apple here – ( direct App Store link). The links below point to Apple resources where you can find or download the updated macOS installers for Mojave, High Sierra, and Sierra: app application is damaged, and can’t be used to install macOS.” is to re-download the installer again from Apple, which contains a new fresh certificate that is not expired. The easiest way to resolve the “This copy of the Install macOS. Resolving “Install MacOS Application is Damaged, Can’t be Used to Install MacOS” Error Messages with Mac OS System Installers Fortunately, there is a fairly simple solution to the “damaged” installer problem.
The cause of this error is an expired certificate, and because the certificate is expired the “Install macOS” app for Mojave, Sierra, and High Sierra will not run.